Css color codes for magenta
Css color codes for magenta

css color codes for magenta css color codes for magenta

Hex codes use the hexadecimal number system to make it possible for 256 numbers to be represented with only two digits. If we wanted to produce white (the brightest levels of all three colors combined), we’d need to write #255255255. There are 256 possible shades each of red, green and blue (0 through 255). Hex Codes Use The Hexadecimal System to Minimize Length In fact, equal levels of red, green and blue, whatever that level may be, will always produce a shade of gray. Zero red, zero green and zero blue produces black. 100% red, 100% green and 100% blue produces white. Hex Codes Represent Red, Green and BlueĪ computer screen displays a color by combining red light, green light and blue light. Learning this is surprisingly easy and satisfying, and once you’ve got your head around it you’ll be able to write your own hex codes without the need for a color picker.

css color codes for magenta

#Css color codes for magenta code#

But it’s likely you have no idea what a hex code means or how it’s generated. You probably use a hex color picker to generate your codes. This is why CSS uses hex codes, like this: background-color: #DDEEFF And spare a thought for that poor guy whose job it is to come up with the names! A computer can display millions of different colors, and remembering the names of every single one of them is impossible.

Css color codes for magenta